MILLENNIUM BCP continues with financial crime
The truth of what happened and whether it is in a more private PORTUGUESE BANK! "Thousands of people and destroyed EXTORQUIADAS your account and property of BCP (BCP Millennium Campaign shareholders and other difficult situations )..."
Monday, March 16, 2009
The big story of the BCP Bank (Criminal)
In countries where capitalism, the laws of competition and the severity of the banking business to be taken seriously, the incredible history of the BCP was arrested and a public scandal of any size.
In Portugal, how will it all end without responsibility and without responsibility, we should not forget the most important moments of the "Case Study", so that at least the lack of shame not pass unpunished.
first By 25 April, the banking business in Portugal to the simple rules:
Every big family, closely related to the scheme, had his bank.
The banks had only one owner or a family as the owner and manages all of its corporate group. With 25 April Summary and nationalization of all banks in a stage of "revolutionary" that "banking service for the people" is reflected in the eyes of the people, by some comrades badly dressed and badly treated that with the counter as if we were doing a big favor.
Jardim Gonçalves revolutionize that are the foundation of the BCP, and later the new network, where people began to be treated as by customers and experts in the letter .. But he has a bank informal via an MBO, that in practice, based on the idea of using the power of capital.
The BCP serves a number of founding shareholders, but who was told in fact, the administrators - that is not capital but the know-how.
All founders accepted the Treaty of the "engineer" - with the exception of Americo Amorim, who tried to leave with big profits so that the managers thought that the statute does not believe that with the right (and money).
second With this picture, indeed deserves the professionalism and competence, the BCP grew, the largest Portuguese private bank, just behind the one public bank, the Caixa Geral de Depósitos.
And every time it grew, it needed a capital increase.
And in any capital increase was necessary to prevent any single shareholder gain so much size that move in the management of the bank.
To this end, the BCP began a few things recommended for small savers, who had to buy their savings for the administration, the question of the BCP, of course, without consultation, the Bank's operations in the capital improvements, so they abandoned after the loss of the fellowship;
order large depositors and friends of the manager, let them claim millions in off-shore "to buy shares of the Bank in order to in case of need, the loss of investment Copy
So, the bank financed its growth with the hair of the dog, but with the money of investors -. and removed to the State a fortune not in the profits for the tax year. year, also agreed BCP astronomical profits by paying less taxes than the janitor of the bank a percentage of the IRS. And now, those who because of their small and medium-sized Savings is stagnating or even saw them systematically decreasing, and every six months to declare a newsletter of the engineer that the markets were very bad.
third Then, after the old Marxist prophecy that the BCP would grow and swallow the BIS. Could not, but in the process of engineering Metzger successor he had chosen to show that the timid "renewal" announced not only a farce.
It was yet another extraordinary thing, and that is impossible to say that the BCP and BPI had cross-shareholdings, to the point that today, the BIS holds 8% of the BCP and largest single shareholder, have in the Selection process of the new management ... competitors! What was the most natural thing in the world, the president of the BIS is a press conference to declare that you want in the new administration of the bank, wanted to Opar and the competition in the market every day ...
4th Installs but the internal war, in the remarkable scene commander Berardo, it's just the man who collects wealth and less on the production of land (from the 1st Minister (a Sócretina), which is a museum of the state to require the collection to say of private art. But the truth, the ashes scattered Berardo has the merit of showing the secrets and hidden inconfessáveis from home.
And we know that the Son the engineer was assigned by millions of businesses for a number of steps, and in million if the company by water.
And there were also fans of engineering and management, which were for the layout of off-shore, which was also his bad debts forgiven and forgotten by an act of personal pleasure.
5 And when was it from the bottom of sleep of the righteous, when quiet sleep, say after unexpectedly to the Governor of the Bank of Portugal and triggers that enough that we continue not to the bank, under the threat of something happening to more serious - such as the bankruptcy itself, .
sixth over time you meet, then the following are available: Commander of the Berardo, the chairman of a public company with participation in the BCP and himself a former government minister and trust PSD staff of Socrates, more, unless someone in the name of the doctor "honoris causa" Stanley Ho - who so many socialist should and vice versa. And in all, a "take over" congeminam
the management of the BCP, with the "agreement" by dr. Fernando Ulrich, BIS ..
And look at the disturbing image that had come in addition to the sudden awakening of dr. Vitor Constancio find all said the BCP PS.
Not to doubt their good intentions, also agreed that the Vice-Presidency was to Mr. Armando Vara (also USA "dr.") - Great political power and banks that the whole country knows and respects.
7th As a bank that is independent so that have shaken governments, flows into the arms of a non-partisan political party - and soon the government. As a bank that it was Christian, as "Opus Dei", as well families, only in the curious sect of the apron, where Freemasonry.
8th And result in the action, in all its glory, the leader of the opposition?
requests in exchange for his party, the Caixa Geral de Depósitos, the public bank.
requests and receives, because there are "issues of control," that a government, an absolute majority in parliament do not dare to question. A smart government in Portugal, you know, never bite the whole cake. Subject to the scandals begin to roll in the public square, it can not a small army of unemployed in the great family of the Central Block.
If someone told me this story, I did not think ..
But we see, hear and read. It was as such.
Posted by jose at 15:18 0 comments Links to this post
Etiquetas: Miguel Sousa Tavares
Sunday, the 8th March 2009
Posted by jose at 3:38 0 comments
prosecutors attack economic crime
Prosecutors attack economic crime
Report: DIAP Lisbon
The investigation of crimes committed in the financial and securities market as a "top priority" in the Department of Investigation and Criminal Action (DIAP) in Lisbon, which investigates white collar crime. That the annual report of the department, led by Maria José Morgado, relative to 2008, document that the "ongoing efforts" of the 9th Section, headed by Teresa Almeida, "in the conduct of research is very complex," as the investigations BCP and BPP. Posted by jose at 3:35
The BCP is the drag of our economy ...
The BCP is a trawler.
Depreciation of the Exchange Act has dozens of companies and investors hostages they spin from banks for investment loans in the Millennium. Joe Berardo, Manuel Fino, Teixeira Duarte, Filipe de Bottom, Joao Pereira Coutinho, João tenants and other well-known investors have mortgages. Most have already restructured their debts to steam with bottlenecks for the payment of debts. But that's a relief, is no solution.
The BCP is still a dilemma. You probably need to raise capital, but has missing many of its shareholders. The money currently in the market for capital improvements requests usually around 30%, sale shares to perhaps below 50 cents (!), less than half the increase last year. There is also a way to pay the shareholders of the destruction of value in the bank. But it would be a dilution of their shareholding. do
It is therefore speculated that the need to adopt a new shareholder, the total amount of capital that can or must the BCP. BBVA? Box? Or the state: use of the reserve up to four billion euros from the government for capital improvements.
The BCP, in fact, might be already in the hands of the box. Enough that the CGD implement the actions of those who Crédit to the braces, the already in employment. However, this would recognize the malparado, further damaging the relations of the box. Box to make it, do not want to endure the BPN afloat.
The tragedy was that the BCP, Desm its shareholder, the financial crisis, its stock value fell. Their actions are like a virus in the portfolio of the shareholders and the case of Teixeira Duarte is an example of what is at stake: the ownership of the large Portuguese companies as such.
companies and banks need capital, lacks. This means that changes in power structures. No doubt the annual list of the 1,000 largest companies in Portugal much will change. A list of the top 10 also. (J. Business, Pedro Guerreiro)
......................................... ......... .................................................. .................................................. .................................
BCP has been on the defense CMVM (charge of the institution itself to have the wrong information)
The BCP has been his defense on the CMVM, which raises the establishment, among others, have made false statements and have for the offshore BCP-purchase of own shares without notifying the authorities.
The bank advised by the Office of Advocacy of João Soares da Silva, said that the Vehicles were in the late nineties, the BCP and the extinct BPA, and then in the hands of other vehicles owned by three customers - Ilídio Monteiro, Gomes Bernardino and Frederico Moreira Rato. In 2001 and 2002, these companies apparently trading in shares of BCP, without the knowledge of supervisors that may impact on the capital of the Bank and their real value. The BCP response to the allegations that these vehicles into the hands of the family Paupério, a former part of the institution, focusing on real estate in Angola. The attorneys also ensure that, the various changes of ownership, not articulated. But the CMVM has the prosecution a number of facts that they suspect they may consider the practice of crimes against the market, the responsibility for either the bank or the managers of the previous administration led by Jardim Goncalves.
understanding, even if the Millennium BCP is really a bank CRIMINAL:
Not everything that happens in the Millennium BCP, but understands very well that the attempt by the previous administration for the following characters;
- Not every action initiated court injunction against the assets of the former directors (as opposed, for example, what in the BPN / SLN), but also what is really outrageous is that pays their legal defense - paid big million Francisco Lacerda, Antonio Rodrigues-Henriques Castro and he should never have done, should be to the end point of the investigations was to pay what was, because for (at least) two of them after all the creditors, the bank .. .
- Finally, everything in the eyes, which are for members of the High Directorate accused, not only the suspension of the (as it should do) when an official of the BCP Bank committed a minor and unlawful and does not hurt that the bank in million € will be immediately suspended until the termination of the disciplinary procedures as the Bank (the best of shareholders) to cover the larguíssimos thousands of euros it costs to their legal defense ...
we take the example that the BCP does in the Portuguese banks! logical to say that the BDP has also blame ...
extortion, and the sales from the accounts of victims (customers) silenced and helpless after the Bank of Portugal, as a bad debt (CRC) by the customer.
So this way by the criminal BCP, the customer is in the BDP for his entire life to pay the debt or failure of the BDP ... And it may never
banking movement in its name! Those responsible remain untouchable and still the victim ...
Posted by jose at 3:34 0 comments
The involvement of members BCP - Download the Bank of Portugal to the BCP
was granted on offshore loans worth 590 million euros between 1999 and 2004, the year in which the company went to the three shareholders.
five directors, including Pedro Monteiro Lebanon who do not accused in this case, the claims and renovations to seventeen offshore installations that are part of the prosecution of the Bank of Portugal: António Rodrigues, Antonio Castro Henriques, Christopher de Beck Filipe Pinhal, some have the portfolios of the International Department, others were the "alternative", since the credit is always required a second signature of a director. Alipio days not on this list because only spoke later in the offshore Goes Ferreira, of which finally extinguished in 2007. There are also signatures of twenty directors of the BCP group (including the branch of the Cayman) that the proposed loan. Pedro Monteiro Lebanon was only a witness to this process, which can be explained by the fact that their signatures were before 2003, so his participation is mandatory.
Administrators said that did not mean the goal of signing credit, they knew that the offshore no "beneficial owner" (and so were the BCP) only on the relationship credit / guarantees.
This involves loans to buy stocks that only the shares as collateral. The total amount of loans approved 17 companies to 525 million Cayman, took into consideration various changes in the credit limit, the 590 million €. These operations caused heavy loss of property as a result of the sharp depreciation of the portfolio, the measure would be from the year 2001. By December 2003 the loans reached EUR 489 million, while the shares for these loans does not exceed 100.5 million. "Were looking to the BCP, with individuals (Frederico Moreira Rato, and Ilídio Bernardino Gomes Monteiro) and exploited legal for the losses." At the end of this year The loss of offshore finally the building of the Atlantic in 2004.
In 2005, Paulo Teixeira Pinto reached President of the BCP, and this time, the offshore Goes Ferreira, that the losses accumulate. Sevendal companies, Hendry, Sherwell and Somerset, in the BDP and BCP are counted, the losses they had from 2001 to 2006. Losses of 79.8 million in 2001, up from 25.3 million in profit in 2003 from 25.2 million in 2005 losses of 3.12 million in 2006, when it was proposed that its extinction Alipio has days with the portfolio of companies Directorate IV South, which was in January 2006. On 30 November 2006, the BCP has formalized the transfer of claims against Hendry to Intrum Justitia Debt Finance, and they were on 28 December. On 28 February, applications for Somerset at Intrum Justitia and 31 July 2007, the BCP sells the loans on the Sherwell Branimir (real estate).
Note: .. Also, it is
over alleged irregularities in connection with the financing of the acquisition of shares in the bank for off-shore ".
This process, for those who now more than a year ago, making a positive first step by four names on the list of possible condemned the so-called BCP Another phase with the challenge of the time 9:00 to 7:00 aides and two former Directors-General of the Bank -. and the subsequent analysis and deduction of fees from the Bank of Portugal with the law. Deadlines in a position to lay down sanctions by the carrier will take some time and then can be challenged in court. A situation that, with the delaying tactics of lawyers, by gathering information and inventory of many witnesses, shooting a final decision for several years from now.
such situations in the past lived in smaller institutions such as savings or savings account Faialense Azores. The big difference is that these institutions will disappear and the BCP is one of the largest Portuguese banks and move on, as I already said one of its directors, the mouth of the world by bad motives, which, like a Declaration of Saturday, the bank has "assignments, the good name and reputation."
It is known that among the nine of the Bank of Portugal, there are different degrees of responsibility that lead to that different types of penalties. It is known that the bank was either from the Bank of Portugal, or by CMVM, and the regulatory authority for the capital market is, in short, people in the alleged irregularities in the market. This not to mention that the processes with the prosecutors. So it is good that justice is quick and the guilty are convicted, and for the bank, the legal and regulatory structures and the country. (Francisco Ferreira da Silva, GB)
vg with the complex and contradictory codes and we have a good team of lawyers, everything is settled. In addition, the "politically correct" is always more in favor of the banks fraudsters
If I these items has only one purpose: to show the names of directors who are not criminally prosecuted by the BDP. Now balls! PS. I want to see if this comment.
The man is full of fast faith in a justice! is with the Minister of Justice and not anywhere on the contrary, in the worst four years ...........
Joe Cardoso
Justice faster, at least in theory, seems in practice is almost certain to too little. Benefit of the doubt, when? "Hunting thick, strong, if you're buying the right with the millions being stolen, and the matter is concluded. It is imperative to the popular committees "to monitor those cases!
fsantos (
what have these guys, it's not already on, as the BPN? Know that there are several laws in this country for the same crime, but it seems to me so shamelessly bad.
We shall see .... house should sink the example are the case .... Santinho all about.
It is very important to explore and make sense of the current problem ... Because of this bank, there are about 100 thousand families spend big problems ... More than half of the 100 thousand families Portuguese, now suffer from hunger and misery, it is the fault of the BCP. In addition, continue to extort the property of "household debt for the processing of claims of actions in 2000/2001 BCP" circumvented the fraudulent sale of shares and BCP, which now can not use your name on the BDP moves in regard to the reform of credit or loans for housing and other ... These "debts of claims handled," in the BDP ... These are the debts that never be paid because it has to do with the demands of the infamous million shares of BCP 2000/2001. Moreover, after these crimes and other evidence, the Committee on Securities Market (CMVM) has already condemned the BCP to a fine of EUR 3 million for a total of 100 sanctions. The Authority decided to partially suspend the implementation of 2.5 million of the fine if the bank customer compensation claims shareholders campaigns in 2000 and 2001. "The responsibility must be punished for these crimes strongly Examine the main ex-officers guilty parties, and negotiations, for example. Dr. John Lawrence, Dr. Paul Roriz, Dr. Rui Lopes, Dr. Spartlei, Dr. Antonio Maria Lencastre, Dr. Olga Cardoso, Jorge Silva and others. I think it is still very hidden crime .(...)
Is there a Portuguese, who believes that is one of those managers punished? Our laws are from lawyers for the "rolling", recorrrer ... apply to a judge a suspended sentence. Each Portuguese already internalized, as justice of the rich. The poor, não.São row prisoners!
Why in America, the sharper the fraud of the pyramid (former president of the Nasdaq) was once arrested and had to pay a deposit of 10 million? Why is no one to do here is, at least in the rich and the bonds are only isolated cases?
Silvares - M ª Grande
BPSMayor We were guests, as we 97.Quando to credit for housing (construction) were in the CPP. Okay. If BPSMayor goes into the world of MillenniumBCP, we were obliged to make the loan. In 2000/2001 we were "invited" to 1500 to buy shares for 17.500 euros, purchasing, capital gains and better conditions in credit costs. A farce, and if they are vendemo 3.54 euros. We now have the complaint and was told that the fulfillment of the conditions for compensation for the difference. Shame apologize if tattered "Back" Each of the directors and the head Mor-million in recent years. I will refer the matter to the CMVM, the Bank of Portugal, the PGR, but they have all these Wiseguys on the street, happy that they build some slapping. Alipio, until the seeds of Porto, good boy, you can not get the spine in its normal position. This is all the same as the BPN. We demand justice and that is to Fafe. Greetings to vigarizados! With the fraudsters who stole it.
What's harder is that after the misconduct of the scammers believe these people that justice will judge these people. Only bad is naive to believe. I think that the bladder to Fatima on foot is a good cholesterol, while the fraudsters they squander the capital Calientes waters of the Caribbean. And if you listen, they can say, the small mouth "is a bad spirit" Bastard!
JUSTICE !!!!!! Where there is no justice IT ?????????
Ludgero Holy
understand us. Search guilty, drag the process, legal defense, legal limits for a good cause. End of the film is long: Sorry for the punishment of the guilty and innocent.
Welcome to the world of law ...
understanding, even if the Millennium BCP is really a bank CRIMINAL:
It is not all that happens in the Millennium BCP, but understands very well that the attempt by the previous administration for the following characters;
- Not every action initiated court injunction against the assets of the former directors (as opposed For example, what is in the BPN / SLN), but also what really is a scandal that pay their legal defense - have done great million paid Francisco Lacerda, Antonio Rodrigues-Henriques Castro and he should never should, to the endpoint of the study was paid what was, because for (at least) two of them after all the creditors, the bank .. .
- Finally, and more in the eyes, which are for members of the High Directorate accused, not only the suspension of the (as it should do) when an official of the BCP Bank committed a minor and unlawful and does not hurt that the bank is in million € immediately suspended until the termination of the disciplinary procedures as the Bank (the best of shareholders) to cover the larguíssimos thousands of euros it costs to their legal defense ...
we take the example that the BCP does in the Portuguese banks! logical to say that the BDP has also blame ...
extortion, and the sales from the accounts of victims (customers) silenced and helpless after the Bank of Portugal, as a bad debt (CRC) by the customer.
So this way by the criminal BCP, the customer is in the BDP for his entire life to pay the debt or failure of the BDP ... And it may never
banking movement in its name! Those responsible remain untouchable and still the victim ...
Posted by jose at 3:33 0 comments
Commission calls for workers from the administrators, the BCP lesaram
The Committee of the Workers of the BCP and the board of the bank, headed by Carlos Santos Ferreira, cooperate with the authorities and against those that is violated, that the bank. "
This position was in a communiqué issued by that body on the staff of the Bank, in this week, and that the companies had access.
The Committee of the Workers of the BCP, which has always a reserved stance on the issue, then broke the silence to talk about news from the public about the reports of counter-complaint against the former Managing Director of Planning and the Bank.
It is recalled that the Bank of Portugal has accused three former President of the Portuguese Commercial Bank, four ex-directors and two directors of the institution remains in office after the investigation of irregularities by previous administrations.
The BCP is accused by the supervisor.
Jorge Jardim Gonçalves, Filipe Pinhal and Paulo Teixeira Pinto, the former leader of the institution. Christopher de Beck, Antonio Rodrigues, and Antonio Castro Henriques Alipio Dias former managers are accused.
are still in the list of the Bank of Portugal (BDP) of the two senior BCP remain in office: Luis Gomes, Director of the Office of the Chairman of the Board and the general supervision and Filipe Abecassis, the functions in the Corporate Center of Bank.
The committee of workers, not whether they have a final position on this issue, "because it is still not the final decision of the case and therefore has not become final."
But the board says administration "not only cooperation with the authorities, but also against the acts of the person that is injured, that the bank "reads the communiqué.
" The Committee of the workers expressed full confidence in the institution, to the professionalism of its staff.
is therefore to get everything and defend the good name of the bank, the rights of workers and the stability of jobs which may in any manner the impact of the alleged acts infraccionais that they independently by those responsible for workers.
Comment: There must be many
magician apprentice in the bank!
not understand fully what is in Millennium BCP, but understands very well that the attempt by the previous administration for the following characters!
- Not every action initiated court injunction against the assets of the former managers (as opposed, for example, what in the BPN / SLN), but also what really is a scandal that is paying their legal defense.
- Paid millions of euros to Francisco Lacerda, Antonio Rodrigues-Henriques Castro and he should have never done so should, to the endpoint of the study was paid what was, because for (at least) two of them, after all creditor banks. ..
- Finally, everything in the eyes, which are for members of the High Directorate Defendants, not only the suspension of the (as it should do) when an employee commits the Bank, a small and illegal and profitable that the bank is in million EUR now suspended until the end of the disciplinary proceedings as the bank ( the best of shareholders) to cover the larguíssimos thousands of euros to its legal defense costs (...)
Sunday, the 28th December 2008
privileges of the banks in Portugal deserves "discussion"
The Bastonário the bar (OA) argued today that the question of the BCP, BPN and BPP, the "public discussion" on " banks "and privileges in Portuguese society and the political power must deal with the situation. Of course, no bank can go bankrupt, because to save the state, "said Anthony Marino Pinto, in an interview with the Agência Lusa, noting that, on the other hand, we see" what in the underworld of the financial institutions in Portugal "as" used, what purpose is served. The bastonário, completing one year of office, denounced the Off-Shore "and" God of bank secrecy "that are used in many cases, as instruments for crime" and expressed the view that the situation around the bank should reflect the land and political power, a clarification.
"you will discover that u it inconceivable a few months. Also, the impact of the crisis. It is due to the logic of the system. It seems that the financial system works only with one foot out the side of legality "
After Marino Pinto, the" agents of the financial world are an elite with vested interests, common, often with the apparent complicity "and this must also" examined and discussed.
Portugal asked if there is justice for the rich and the poor, to see that the visit of the bastonário chains that "97 percent are poor.
" A woman who was not a powder in a supermarket and arrested. Theft or diversion of hundreds of millions of euros from a Bank when you see it's a crime, "says Marino Pinto
understanding, even if the Millennium BCP is really a bank CRIMINAL:
It is not all that happens in the Millennium BCP, but understands very well that the attempt by the previous administration for the following characters;
- Not every action initiated court injunction against the assets of the former directors (as opposed, for example, what in the BPN / SLN), but also what is really outrageous is that pays their legal defense - paid big million Francisco Lacerda, Antonio Rodrigues-Henriques Castro and he should never have done so should to the end point of the investigations was to pay what was, because for (at least) two of them after all the creditors, the bank .. .
- Finally, everything in the eyes, which are for members of the High Directorate accused, not only the suspension of the (as it should do) when an official of the BCP Bank committed a minor and unlawful and does not hurt that the bank in million € will be immediately suspended until the termination of the disciplinary procedures as the Bank (the best of shareholders) to cover the thousands of larguíssimos € it costs to their legal defense ...
Posted by jose at 3:30 0 comments
There is money on advertising in the BCP?
BCP average 5 million in advertising and contracts Barbara Barbara Guimarães Guimarães is the new advertising face of the bank, also in activities to communicate with "stakeholders".
The moderator is on the bench when the BCP is its advertising budget by 20%. I think the bank will drop even more. The
Zé Povinho you know about the infamous BCP ... And the proof is that the credibility disappears long BCP ... The fraud and the bank trafulhices are high ...
There are thousands of unfortunate people, the Bank ...
Jardim Gonçalves ... He trafulhices offshore to question and to stop still for the compensation to the State ... And win ... The CMVM fine by the BCP trafulhices its former president that he will have to pay ... But the bank has
not (or is that ... I !...) and soon LIXAM the shareholders ... But if the others cheat, they do nothing ... Are now creating the conditions for the PS, the Bank if the 1 cent per share ...
Armando Vara, as vice president is already there ... Came from CGD for BCP, because more wins and is already in the pipeline for the office when the PS buy BCP ...
forgiveness does not mean that HP, but the state ... If this assumption has to do with the fact Vara and Manuel Maria Mühe " be friends? Then say no coincidences ... Not only that ... It's so ... So much have to consider that throw in the trash ... What grief Marketing ... The confidence in BCP ??????? But that is captured or a joke? What can have confidence that a bank changes the quarterly results of the same? Or have forgotten the 12 million? And so ????????? on lending to relatives and friends Such as cheese, but also the effect of forgetting is the latest thing ... Or 1 penny in the bank I go ... I have some confidence in me and thousands of Portuguese ... And if you do not believe what I say is worth the price you see all the steps to this Time .... This is the same price, the investors confidence in stools of Bullshit ... Fernando Ulrich said that everything that happened in the BCP at all "... GRANDE BANCA Yesterday scandal in the" pros and cons of RTP, "economic analysts of the shareholders of the business through political Soc Lusa heard the speech is over fraud, corruption management, abuse of trust, criminal conspiracy, cheating, promiscuity with political ...
All terms to classify the natural life of the companies associated with the group of LBW, the Portuguese company business. Unbelievable no one is arrested, not a closed society of the day by Day in these companies remains the same with: fraud, corruption, management is dangerous, abuse of trust, criminal conspiracy, cheating, promiscuity with political ... Is not hard to see that the activity of BPN (yes, already with the problem "when BCP is almost the same, only with a large-scale criminal activities) are not for all shareholders in the same parity, otherwise we would probably higher was "unclean" ... Both lasted, lasted until it breaks ... MIFF comadres and knew the truth, the visa is still not complete ... Strange, strange to say conniving with the passivity of so many people that regulates and Controls (BDP, accounting firms, ROC ...). Administrations of minutes without books ?!... Actually, there was general meetings, to approve the accounts ... With (un) aware of the shareholders ?!... What comment, but it is to laugh ... It is interesting, and the major issues that arise from the grave? are problems of LBW is ... This was the strategic and well. Other interests are. One day we will answer all the questions that we are now in the air. Investigate! Regardless of a declaration is of the view that the Bank of Portugal and failed miserably time and again that has to be completely politicized institution, then the service of this government. It is evident that this man was not and is not independence or provide services to this level.
a shame that the man on to tell you now because you are a very heavy weight, and not their own costs.
The truth of what happened and whether it is in a more private PORTUGUESE BANK! "Thousands of people and destroyed EXTORQUIADAS your account and property of BCP (BCP Millennium Campaign shareholders and other difficult situations )..."
Monday, March 16, 2009
The big story of the BCP Bank (Criminal)
In countries where capitalism, the laws of competition and the severity of the banking business to be taken seriously, the incredible history of the BCP was arrested and a public scandal of any size.
In Portugal, how will it all end without responsibility and without responsibility, we should not forget the most important moments of the "Case Study", so that at least the lack of shame not pass unpunished.
first By 25 April, the banking business in Portugal to the simple rules:
Every big family, closely related to the scheme, had his bank.
The banks had only one owner or a family as the owner and manages all of its corporate group. With 25 April Summary and nationalization of all banks in a stage of "revolutionary" that "banking service for the people" is reflected in the eyes of the people, by some comrades badly dressed and badly treated that with the counter as if we were doing a big favor.
Jardim Gonçalves revolutionize that are the foundation of the BCP, and later the new network, where people began to be treated as by customers and experts in the letter .. But he has a bank informal via an MBO, that in practice, based on the idea of using the power of capital.
The BCP serves a number of founding shareholders, but who was told in fact, the administrators - that is not capital but the know-how.
All founders accepted the Treaty of the "engineer" - with the exception of Americo Amorim, who tried to leave with big profits so that the managers thought that the statute does not believe that with the right (and money).
second With this picture, indeed deserves the professionalism and competence, the BCP grew, the largest Portuguese private bank, just behind the one public bank, the Caixa Geral de Depósitos.
And every time it grew, it needed a capital increase.
And in any capital increase was necessary to prevent any single shareholder gain so much size that move in the management of the bank.
To this end, the BCP began a few things recommended for small savers, who had to buy their savings for the administration, the question of the BCP, of course, without consultation, the Bank's operations in the capital improvements, so they abandoned after the loss of the fellowship;
order large depositors and friends of the manager, let them claim millions in off-shore "to buy shares of the Bank in order to in case of need, the loss of investment Copy
So, the bank financed its growth with the hair of the dog, but with the money of investors -. and removed to the State a fortune not in the profits for the tax year. year, also agreed BCP astronomical profits by paying less taxes than the janitor of the bank a percentage of the IRS. And now, those who because of their small and medium-sized Savings is stagnating or even saw them systematically decreasing, and every six months to declare a newsletter of the engineer that the markets were very bad.
third Then, after the old Marxist prophecy that the BCP would grow and swallow the BIS. Could not, but in the process of engineering Metzger successor he had chosen to show that the timid "renewal" announced not only a farce.
It was yet another extraordinary thing, and that is impossible to say that the BCP and BPI had cross-shareholdings, to the point that today, the BIS holds 8% of the BCP and largest single shareholder, have in the Selection process of the new management ... competitors! What was the most natural thing in the world, the president of the BIS is a press conference to declare that you want in the new administration of the bank, wanted to Opar and the competition in the market every day ...
4th Installs but the internal war, in the remarkable scene commander Berardo, it's just the man who collects wealth and less on the production of land (from the 1st Minister (a Sócretina), which is a museum of the state to require the collection to say of private art. But the truth, the ashes scattered Berardo has the merit of showing the secrets and hidden inconfessáveis from home.
And we know that the Son the engineer was assigned by millions of businesses for a number of steps, and in million if the company by water.
And there were also fans of engineering and management, which were for the layout of off-shore, which was also his bad debts forgiven and forgotten by an act of personal pleasure.
5 And when was it from the bottom of sleep of the righteous, when quiet sleep, say after unexpectedly to the Governor of the Bank of Portugal and triggers that enough that we continue not to the bank, under the threat of something happening to more serious - such as the bankruptcy itself, .
sixth over time you meet, then the following are available: Commander of the Berardo, the chairman of a public company with participation in the BCP and himself a former government minister and trust PSD staff of Socrates, more, unless someone in the name of the doctor "honoris causa" Stanley Ho - who so many socialist should and vice versa. And in all, a "take over" congeminam
the management of the BCP, with the "agreement" by dr. Fernando Ulrich, BIS ..
And look at the disturbing image that had come in addition to the sudden awakening of dr. Vitor Constancio find all said the BCP PS.
Not to doubt their good intentions, also agreed that the Vice-Presidency was to Mr. Armando Vara (also USA "dr.") - Great political power and banks that the whole country knows and respects.
7th As a bank that is independent so that have shaken governments, flows into the arms of a non-partisan political party - and soon the government. As a bank that it was Christian, as "Opus Dei", as well families, only in the curious sect of the apron, where Freemasonry.
8th And result in the action, in all its glory, the leader of the opposition?
requests in exchange for his party, the Caixa Geral de Depósitos, the public bank.
requests and receives, because there are "issues of control," that a government, an absolute majority in parliament do not dare to question. A smart government in Portugal, you know, never bite the whole cake. Subject to the scandals begin to roll in the public square, it can not a small army of unemployed in the great family of the Central Block.
If someone told me this story, I did not think ..
But we see, hear and read. It was as such.
Posted by jose at 15:18 0 comments Links to this post
Etiquetas: Miguel Sousa Tavares
Sunday, the 8th March 2009
Posted by jose at 3:38 0 comments
prosecutors attack economic crime
Prosecutors attack economic crime
Report: DIAP Lisbon
The investigation of crimes committed in the financial and securities market as a "top priority" in the Department of Investigation and Criminal Action (DIAP) in Lisbon, which investigates white collar crime. That the annual report of the department, led by Maria José Morgado, relative to 2008, document that the "ongoing efforts" of the 9th Section, headed by Teresa Almeida, "in the conduct of research is very complex," as the investigations BCP and BPP. Posted by jose at 3:35
The BCP is the drag of our economy ...
The BCP is a trawler.
Depreciation of the Exchange Act has dozens of companies and investors hostages they spin from banks for investment loans in the Millennium. Joe Berardo, Manuel Fino, Teixeira Duarte, Filipe de Bottom, Joao Pereira Coutinho, João tenants and other well-known investors have mortgages. Most have already restructured their debts to steam with bottlenecks for the payment of debts. But that's a relief, is no solution.
The BCP is still a dilemma. You probably need to raise capital, but has missing many of its shareholders. The money currently in the market for capital improvements requests usually around 30%, sale shares to perhaps below 50 cents (!), less than half the increase last year. There is also a way to pay the shareholders of the destruction of value in the bank. But it would be a dilution of their shareholding. do
It is therefore speculated that the need to adopt a new shareholder, the total amount of capital that can or must the BCP. BBVA? Box? Or the state: use of the reserve up to four billion euros from the government for capital improvements.
The BCP, in fact, might be already in the hands of the box. Enough that the CGD implement the actions of those who Crédit to the braces, the already in employment. However, this would recognize the malparado, further damaging the relations of the box. Box to make it, do not want to endure the BPN afloat.
The tragedy was that the BCP, Desm its shareholder, the financial crisis, its stock value fell. Their actions are like a virus in the portfolio of the shareholders and the case of Teixeira Duarte is an example of what is at stake: the ownership of the large Portuguese companies as such.
companies and banks need capital, lacks. This means that changes in power structures. No doubt the annual list of the 1,000 largest companies in Portugal much will change. A list of the top 10 also. (J. Business, Pedro Guerreiro)
......................................... ......... .................................................. .................................................. .................................
BCP has been on the defense CMVM (charge of the institution itself to have the wrong information)
The BCP has been his defense on the CMVM, which raises the establishment, among others, have made false statements and have for the offshore BCP-purchase of own shares without notifying the authorities.
The bank advised by the Office of Advocacy of João Soares da Silva, said that the Vehicles were in the late nineties, the BCP and the extinct BPA, and then in the hands of other vehicles owned by three customers - Ilídio Monteiro, Gomes Bernardino and Frederico Moreira Rato. In 2001 and 2002, these companies apparently trading in shares of BCP, without the knowledge of supervisors that may impact on the capital of the Bank and their real value. The BCP response to the allegations that these vehicles into the hands of the family Paupério, a former part of the institution, focusing on real estate in Angola. The attorneys also ensure that, the various changes of ownership, not articulated. But the CMVM has the prosecution a number of facts that they suspect they may consider the practice of crimes against the market, the responsibility for either the bank or the managers of the previous administration led by Jardim Goncalves.
understanding, even if the Millennium BCP is really a bank CRIMINAL:
Not everything that happens in the Millennium BCP, but understands very well that the attempt by the previous administration for the following characters;
- Not every action initiated court injunction against the assets of the former directors (as opposed, for example, what in the BPN / SLN), but also what is really outrageous is that pays their legal defense - paid big million Francisco Lacerda, Antonio Rodrigues-Henriques Castro and he should never have done, should be to the end point of the investigations was to pay what was, because for (at least) two of them after all the creditors, the bank .. .
- Finally, everything in the eyes, which are for members of the High Directorate accused, not only the suspension of the (as it should do) when an official of the BCP Bank committed a minor and unlawful and does not hurt that the bank in million € will be immediately suspended until the termination of the disciplinary procedures as the Bank (the best of shareholders) to cover the larguíssimos thousands of euros it costs to their legal defense ...
we take the example that the BCP does in the Portuguese banks! logical to say that the BDP has also blame ...
extortion, and the sales from the accounts of victims (customers) silenced and helpless after the Bank of Portugal, as a bad debt (CRC) by the customer.
So this way by the criminal BCP, the customer is in the BDP for his entire life to pay the debt or failure of the BDP ... And it may never
banking movement in its name! Those responsible remain untouchable and still the victim ...
Posted by jose at 3:34 0 comments
The involvement of members BCP - Download the Bank of Portugal to the BCP
was granted on offshore loans worth 590 million euros between 1999 and 2004, the year in which the company went to the three shareholders.
five directors, including Pedro Monteiro Lebanon who do not accused in this case, the claims and renovations to seventeen offshore installations that are part of the prosecution of the Bank of Portugal: António Rodrigues, Antonio Castro Henriques, Christopher de Beck Filipe Pinhal, some have the portfolios of the International Department, others were the "alternative", since the credit is always required a second signature of a director. Alipio days not on this list because only spoke later in the offshore Goes Ferreira, of which finally extinguished in 2007. There are also signatures of twenty directors of the BCP group (including the branch of the Cayman) that the proposed loan. Pedro Monteiro Lebanon was only a witness to this process, which can be explained by the fact that their signatures were before 2003, so his participation is mandatory.
Administrators said that did not mean the goal of signing credit, they knew that the offshore no "beneficial owner" (and so were the BCP) only on the relationship credit / guarantees.
This involves loans to buy stocks that only the shares as collateral. The total amount of loans approved 17 companies to 525 million Cayman, took into consideration various changes in the credit limit, the 590 million €. These operations caused heavy loss of property as a result of the sharp depreciation of the portfolio, the measure would be from the year 2001. By December 2003 the loans reached EUR 489 million, while the shares for these loans does not exceed 100.5 million. "Were looking to the BCP, with individuals (Frederico Moreira Rato, and Ilídio Bernardino Gomes Monteiro) and exploited legal for the losses." At the end of this year The loss of offshore finally the building of the Atlantic in 2004.
In 2005, Paulo Teixeira Pinto reached President of the BCP, and this time, the offshore Goes Ferreira, that the losses accumulate. Sevendal companies, Hendry, Sherwell and Somerset, in the BDP and BCP are counted, the losses they had from 2001 to 2006. Losses of 79.8 million in 2001, up from 25.3 million in profit in 2003 from 25.2 million in 2005 losses of 3.12 million in 2006, when it was proposed that its extinction Alipio has days with the portfolio of companies Directorate IV South, which was in January 2006. On 30 November 2006, the BCP has formalized the transfer of claims against Hendry to Intrum Justitia Debt Finance, and they were on 28 December. On 28 February, applications for Somerset at Intrum Justitia and 31 July 2007, the BCP sells the loans on the Sherwell Branimir (real estate).
Note: .. Also, it is
over alleged irregularities in connection with the financing of the acquisition of shares in the bank for off-shore ".
This process, for those who now more than a year ago, making a positive first step by four names on the list of possible condemned the so-called BCP Another phase with the challenge of the time 9:00 to 7:00 aides and two former Directors-General of the Bank -. and the subsequent analysis and deduction of fees from the Bank of Portugal with the law. Deadlines in a position to lay down sanctions by the carrier will take some time and then can be challenged in court. A situation that, with the delaying tactics of lawyers, by gathering information and inventory of many witnesses, shooting a final decision for several years from now.
such situations in the past lived in smaller institutions such as savings or savings account Faialense Azores. The big difference is that these institutions will disappear and the BCP is one of the largest Portuguese banks and move on, as I already said one of its directors, the mouth of the world by bad motives, which, like a Declaration of Saturday, the bank has "assignments, the good name and reputation."
It is known that among the nine of the Bank of Portugal, there are different degrees of responsibility that lead to that different types of penalties. It is known that the bank was either from the Bank of Portugal, or by CMVM, and the regulatory authority for the capital market is, in short, people in the alleged irregularities in the market. This not to mention that the processes with the prosecutors. So it is good that justice is quick and the guilty are convicted, and for the bank, the legal and regulatory structures and the country. (Francisco Ferreira da Silva, GB)
vg with the complex and contradictory codes and we have a good team of lawyers, everything is settled. In addition, the "politically correct" is always more in favor of the banks fraudsters
If I these items has only one purpose: to show the names of directors who are not criminally prosecuted by the BDP. Now balls! PS. I want to see if this comment.
The man is full of fast faith in a justice! is with the Minister of Justice and not anywhere on the contrary, in the worst four years ...........
Joe Cardoso
Justice faster, at least in theory, seems in practice is almost certain to too little. Benefit of the doubt, when? "Hunting thick, strong, if you're buying the right with the millions being stolen, and the matter is concluded. It is imperative to the popular committees "to monitor those cases!
fsantos (
what have these guys, it's not already on, as the BPN? Know that there are several laws in this country for the same crime, but it seems to me so shamelessly bad.
We shall see .... house should sink the example are the case .... Santinho all about.
It is very important to explore and make sense of the current problem ... Because of this bank, there are about 100 thousand families spend big problems ... More than half of the 100 thousand families Portuguese, now suffer from hunger and misery, it is the fault of the BCP. In addition, continue to extort the property of "household debt for the processing of claims of actions in 2000/2001 BCP" circumvented the fraudulent sale of shares and BCP, which now can not use your name on the BDP moves in regard to the reform of credit or loans for housing and other ... These "debts of claims handled," in the BDP ... These are the debts that never be paid because it has to do with the demands of the infamous million shares of BCP 2000/2001. Moreover, after these crimes and other evidence, the Committee on Securities Market (CMVM) has already condemned the BCP to a fine of EUR 3 million for a total of 100 sanctions. The Authority decided to partially suspend the implementation of 2.5 million of the fine if the bank customer compensation claims shareholders campaigns in 2000 and 2001. "The responsibility must be punished for these crimes strongly Examine the main ex-officers guilty parties, and negotiations, for example. Dr. John Lawrence, Dr. Paul Roriz, Dr. Rui Lopes, Dr. Spartlei, Dr. Antonio Maria Lencastre, Dr. Olga Cardoso, Jorge Silva and others. I think it is still very hidden crime .(...)
Is there a Portuguese, who believes that is one of those managers punished? Our laws are from lawyers for the "rolling", recorrrer ... apply to a judge a suspended sentence. Each Portuguese already internalized, as justice of the rich. The poor, não.São row prisoners!
Why in America, the sharper the fraud of the pyramid (former president of the Nasdaq) was once arrested and had to pay a deposit of 10 million? Why is no one to do here is, at least in the rich and the bonds are only isolated cases?
Silvares - M ª Grande
BPSMayor We were guests, as we 97.Quando to credit for housing (construction) were in the CPP. Okay. If BPSMayor goes into the world of MillenniumBCP, we were obliged to make the loan. In 2000/2001 we were "invited" to 1500 to buy shares for 17.500 euros, purchasing, capital gains and better conditions in credit costs. A farce, and if they are vendemo 3.54 euros. We now have the complaint and was told that the fulfillment of the conditions for compensation for the difference. Shame apologize if tattered "Back" Each of the directors and the head Mor-million in recent years. I will refer the matter to the CMVM, the Bank of Portugal, the PGR, but they have all these Wiseguys on the street, happy that they build some slapping. Alipio, until the seeds of Porto, good boy, you can not get the spine in its normal position. This is all the same as the BPN. We demand justice and that is to Fafe. Greetings to vigarizados! With the fraudsters who stole it.
What's harder is that after the misconduct of the scammers believe these people that justice will judge these people. Only bad is naive to believe. I think that the bladder to Fatima on foot is a good cholesterol, while the fraudsters they squander the capital Calientes waters of the Caribbean. And if you listen, they can say, the small mouth "is a bad spirit" Bastard!
JUSTICE !!!!!! Where there is no justice IT ?????????
Ludgero Holy
understand us. Search guilty, drag the process, legal defense, legal limits for a good cause. End of the film is long: Sorry for the punishment of the guilty and innocent.
Welcome to the world of law ...
understanding, even if the Millennium BCP is really a bank CRIMINAL:
It is not all that happens in the Millennium BCP, but understands very well that the attempt by the previous administration for the following characters;
- Not every action initiated court injunction against the assets of the former directors (as opposed For example, what is in the BPN / SLN), but also what really is a scandal that pay their legal defense - have done great million paid Francisco Lacerda, Antonio Rodrigues-Henriques Castro and he should never should, to the endpoint of the study was paid what was, because for (at least) two of them after all the creditors, the bank .. .
- Finally, and more in the eyes, which are for members of the High Directorate accused, not only the suspension of the (as it should do) when an official of the BCP Bank committed a minor and unlawful and does not hurt that the bank is in million € immediately suspended until the termination of the disciplinary procedures as the Bank (the best of shareholders) to cover the larguíssimos thousands of euros it costs to their legal defense ...
we take the example that the BCP does in the Portuguese banks! logical to say that the BDP has also blame ...
extortion, and the sales from the accounts of victims (customers) silenced and helpless after the Bank of Portugal, as a bad debt (CRC) by the customer.
So this way by the criminal BCP, the customer is in the BDP for his entire life to pay the debt or failure of the BDP ... And it may never
banking movement in its name! Those responsible remain untouchable and still the victim ...
Posted by jose at 3:33 0 comments
Commission calls for workers from the administrators, the BCP lesaram
The Committee of the Workers of the BCP and the board of the bank, headed by Carlos Santos Ferreira, cooperate with the authorities and against those that is violated, that the bank. "
This position was in a communiqué issued by that body on the staff of the Bank, in this week, and that the companies had access.
The Committee of the Workers of the BCP, which has always a reserved stance on the issue, then broke the silence to talk about news from the public about the reports of counter-complaint against the former Managing Director of Planning and the Bank.
It is recalled that the Bank of Portugal has accused three former President of the Portuguese Commercial Bank, four ex-directors and two directors of the institution remains in office after the investigation of irregularities by previous administrations.
The BCP is accused by the supervisor.
Jorge Jardim Gonçalves, Filipe Pinhal and Paulo Teixeira Pinto, the former leader of the institution. Christopher de Beck, Antonio Rodrigues, and Antonio Castro Henriques Alipio Dias former managers are accused.
are still in the list of the Bank of Portugal (BDP) of the two senior BCP remain in office: Luis Gomes, Director of the Office of the Chairman of the Board and the general supervision and Filipe Abecassis, the functions in the Corporate Center of Bank.
The committee of workers, not whether they have a final position on this issue, "because it is still not the final decision of the case and therefore has not become final."
But the board says administration "not only cooperation with the authorities, but also against the acts of the person that is injured, that the bank "reads the communiqué.
" The Committee of the workers expressed full confidence in the institution, to the professionalism of its staff.
is therefore to get everything and defend the good name of the bank, the rights of workers and the stability of jobs which may in any manner the impact of the alleged acts infraccionais that they independently by those responsible for workers.
Comment: There must be many
magician apprentice in the bank!
not understand fully what is in Millennium BCP, but understands very well that the attempt by the previous administration for the following characters!
- Not every action initiated court injunction against the assets of the former managers (as opposed, for example, what in the BPN / SLN), but also what really is a scandal that is paying their legal defense.
- Paid millions of euros to Francisco Lacerda, Antonio Rodrigues-Henriques Castro and he should have never done so should, to the endpoint of the study was paid what was, because for (at least) two of them, after all creditor banks. ..
- Finally, everything in the eyes, which are for members of the High Directorate Defendants, not only the suspension of the (as it should do) when an employee commits the Bank, a small and illegal and profitable that the bank is in million EUR now suspended until the end of the disciplinary proceedings as the bank ( the best of shareholders) to cover the larguíssimos thousands of euros to its legal defense costs (...)
Sunday, the 28th December 2008
privileges of the banks in Portugal deserves "discussion"
The Bastonário the bar (OA) argued today that the question of the BCP, BPN and BPP, the "public discussion" on " banks "and privileges in Portuguese society and the political power must deal with the situation. Of course, no bank can go bankrupt, because to save the state, "said Anthony Marino Pinto, in an interview with the Agência Lusa, noting that, on the other hand, we see" what in the underworld of the financial institutions in Portugal "as" used, what purpose is served. The bastonário, completing one year of office, denounced the Off-Shore "and" God of bank secrecy "that are used in many cases, as instruments for crime" and expressed the view that the situation around the bank should reflect the land and political power, a clarification.
"you will discover that u it inconceivable a few months. Also, the impact of the crisis. It is due to the logic of the system. It seems that the financial system works only with one foot out the side of legality "
After Marino Pinto, the" agents of the financial world are an elite with vested interests, common, often with the apparent complicity "and this must also" examined and discussed.
Portugal asked if there is justice for the rich and the poor, to see that the visit of the bastonário chains that "97 percent are poor.
" A woman who was not a powder in a supermarket and arrested. Theft or diversion of hundreds of millions of euros from a Bank when you see it's a crime, "says Marino Pinto
understanding, even if the Millennium BCP is really a bank CRIMINAL:
It is not all that happens in the Millennium BCP, but understands very well that the attempt by the previous administration for the following characters;
- Not every action initiated court injunction against the assets of the former directors (as opposed, for example, what in the BPN / SLN), but also what is really outrageous is that pays their legal defense - paid big million Francisco Lacerda, Antonio Rodrigues-Henriques Castro and he should never have done so should to the end point of the investigations was to pay what was, because for (at least) two of them after all the creditors, the bank .. .
- Finally, everything in the eyes, which are for members of the High Directorate accused, not only the suspension of the (as it should do) when an official of the BCP Bank committed a minor and unlawful and does not hurt that the bank in million € will be immediately suspended until the termination of the disciplinary procedures as the Bank (the best of shareholders) to cover the thousands of larguíssimos € it costs to their legal defense ...
Posted by jose at 3:30 0 comments
There is money on advertising in the BCP?
BCP average 5 million in advertising and contracts Barbara Barbara Guimarães Guimarães is the new advertising face of the bank, also in activities to communicate with "stakeholders".
The moderator is on the bench when the BCP is its advertising budget by 20%. I think the bank will drop even more. The
Zé Povinho you know about the infamous BCP ... And the proof is that the credibility disappears long BCP ... The fraud and the bank trafulhices are high ...
There are thousands of unfortunate people, the Bank ...
Jardim Gonçalves ... He trafulhices offshore to question and to stop still for the compensation to the State ... And win ... The CMVM fine by the BCP trafulhices its former president that he will have to pay ... But the bank has
not (or is that ... I !...) and soon LIXAM the shareholders ... But if the others cheat, they do nothing ... Are now creating the conditions for the PS, the Bank if the 1 cent per share ...
Armando Vara, as vice president is already there ... Came from CGD for BCP, because more wins and is already in the pipeline for the office when the PS buy BCP ...
forgiveness does not mean that HP, but the state ... If this assumption has to do with the fact Vara and Manuel Maria Mühe " be friends? Then say no coincidences ... Not only that ... It's so ... So much have to consider that throw in the trash ... What grief Marketing ... The confidence in BCP ??????? But that is captured or a joke? What can have confidence that a bank changes the quarterly results of the same? Or have forgotten the 12 million? And so ????????? on lending to relatives and friends Such as cheese, but also the effect of forgetting is the latest thing ... Or 1 penny in the bank I go ... I have some confidence in me and thousands of Portuguese ... And if you do not believe what I say is worth the price you see all the steps to this Time .... This is the same price, the investors confidence in stools of Bullshit ... Fernando Ulrich said that everything that happened in the BCP at all "... GRANDE BANCA Yesterday scandal in the" pros and cons of RTP, "economic analysts of the shareholders of the business through political Soc Lusa heard the speech is over fraud, corruption management, abuse of trust, criminal conspiracy, cheating, promiscuity with political ...
All terms to classify the natural life of the companies associated with the group of LBW, the Portuguese company business. Unbelievable no one is arrested, not a closed society of the day by Day in these companies remains the same with: fraud, corruption, management is dangerous, abuse of trust, criminal conspiracy, cheating, promiscuity with political ... Is not hard to see that the activity of BPN (yes, already with the problem "when BCP is almost the same, only with a large-scale criminal activities) are not for all shareholders in the same parity, otherwise we would probably higher was "unclean" ... Both lasted, lasted until it breaks ... MIFF comadres and knew the truth, the visa is still not complete ... Strange, strange to say conniving with the passivity of so many people that regulates and Controls (BDP, accounting firms, ROC ...). Administrations of minutes without books ?!... Actually, there was general meetings, to approve the accounts ... With (un) aware of the shareholders ?!... What comment, but it is to laugh ... It is interesting, and the major issues that arise from the grave? are problems of LBW is ... This was the strategic and well. Other interests are. One day we will answer all the questions that we are now in the air. Investigate! Regardless of a declaration is of the view that the Bank of Portugal and failed miserably time and again that has to be completely politicized institution, then the service of this government. It is evident that this man was not and is not independence or provide services to this level.
a shame that the man on to tell you now because you are a very heavy weight, and not their own costs.