Sunday, July 26, 2009

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present us the following equipment for PUs available:

mystic mama provides:

- Digital camera with video function
- Mobile phone with voice recorder
- objects * Move tests
- Compass
- Flashlight

We also need:

- Walkie-talkies or radios
- Digitaltermometer
- EMF meter (measuring device for electromagnetic fields)
- Video Camera
- Flashlights (for each one)
- possibly laser for precision flying and maneuverability distance measurement

* Move tests (or exercise tests) are part of a each PU. For these tests, shall be some easy things such as a table tennis ball, a cardboard tube, stuffed animals daily organizer ready, the presence of possibly subtle beings (spirits) could be moved. An object is placed on a sheet of paper and traced the outlines. Then, a camera set up, the all-Move test objects in view. All persons leaving the room after that. At the end of the PU then the Move-test is evaluated. Thus, if you know something about "something" or "someone" was not moved or other things.

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group rules

The PIT resin heath - for now - be an open group. This means that each UE-18 can make time member of Vorbegehungen locations for PUs without consulting the executive committee, and - as mentioned in the FAQs - may obtain permits from the city planned for paranormal investigations (PUs) in non-public buildings, etc..

may also perform each UE-18-year member of smaller PUs in its environment, whether in their own home, in surrounding forests, to cemeteries (of course always with the appropriate reverence!), In fields, pastures, or at friends / friends / family.

condition here is that one exchanges with each other wherever and whenever they take place mini-PUs and outcomes shows (photos, EVP's, etc.) in the group.

to PUs for which a permit is required of the city, the Group is closed! Previously, of course, have the date, the group size and a meeting be arranged.

It goes without saying that is not tampered with the test results!

It is forbidden to distort images and sounds and other test results or edit any other way. The only exception here are the Endbesprechungen evaluation (lighten, darken noise, remove, daily organizer) is

While a total ban on smoking PU! Smoke could distort the results.
Similarly, total ban on alcohol!

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Here you can find our banner that you download and link to your side may.

To download click on the banner with the right mouse button and select "Save Image As ...".

Our Banner in the original size (400 x 79 pixels):

was automatically reduced

Our banners in different versions:

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FAQs about the PIT resin Heide

a . If the PIT Harz-Heath, a commercial group?
Where the money for their group work?

This question can be short and sweet with no be answered.
The PIT is purely voluntary on the road and no reimbursement, expenses, wages or similar demands for their work.

second What is the PIT resin-Heide?
Where the group is active?

The PIT Harz-Heath explores paranormal and unexplained phenomena
on a scientific basis, in short we Paranormal Investigations (PUs) by. This may include, in castles, cemeteries, but also be - in the home - with requests for help.

is our primary principle of the group: Only when
no scientific grounds can be found, one can possibly expect from a supernatural phenomenon!

absolute priority for us is the health and psychological well-being of our members and our guests and those seeking help!

Currently, the limited research activities focus on the region of resin / Lüneburg Heath. This can - and will - but expanded over time.

third How can I become a member of the PIT Harz-Heide?
much is membership?

An e-mail the group lead with subject "Membership Application PIT" is enough.
This e-mail, some personal information such as desired membership (active / passive), name, * age, address, mobile / not mobile, skeptical / open-minded to be included towards paranormal phenomena.

* restriction: persons under 18 be included until further notice solely as passive members and may not - because of the circumstances - without the written permission of parents / legal guardians to go out on PUs!

As evidence of the specified age would a copy identity card.

admission requirement is the fact that her mentally stable since!

Everyone is responsible for himself and so we expect you to say for your information, the truth!

Membership is completely free!

4th I must always be present as a member during the investigations?

Of course not.
to studies have at least 2, better 3 persons to be present, the rest is optional, but must be agreed in advance. Each member u-18 years - even passive - can (that is, unless the move because of threats) Vorbegehungen of locations and Investigierorten - can make do, just as any for the smaller studies - that is, study sites.
condition, here examination results and photos, EVP's (tape recordings), with each other to swap out. May be growing as a small "mini-PU" indeed look to a future planned large-scale study.

5th Who is responsible for obtaining permits are to be examined for the inaccessible public buildings?

each UE-18-year member (and passive) may obtain at the appropriate contacts in each city these authorizations. This must in large studies of course apply for the whole group or the previously determined number of participants!

6th Can you prove 100% that there are subtle beings (ghosts)?

Unfortunately not.
We are working on the principle that only when all the natural possibilities can be ruled out, one can assume any of a supernatural / Spukphänomen. 100%, we can not prove anything.

7th Can you guarantee that my experiences are better for your examination / disappear?
Can you sell "the spirit"?

Again, we have with no answer.
No serious paranormal investigation group can guarantee that in any case at the present time, not yet. Given the state of science and technology in this area is simply not yet mature enough.
Similarly, we can also sell any spirits.

For inquiries and more as you lead the group by e-mail.

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Hello and good day.

Here present the members of the PIT Harz-Heide.

Group Management
mystic mama (28) from Lower Saxony
e-mail: MamaBibi (a) * (a) = @

I'm Bianca, I'm told as 28 years old, and have engaged with my sweetheart a little boy named Martin. We live in a small quiet town near the Harz Mountains. My hobbies include our pets (cats and rabbits), read, work on your PC and enjoy nature.

came to "hobby" para-science and paranormal research, I am due to some personal experiences that I can so far do not explain or classify. That made me curious. However, I am and remain skeptic. I do not see behind every speck of dust on a picture like a spirit or something similar. However, I believe that in this area something that we do not know and I would like to explore.

all members

all members

Melanie (27) from Hessen