Sunday, March 21, 2010

Roper Vs. Admiral Washing Machine

Gugl Örs

to the Today screen: SPECIAL FOR MEDIA MARKET !!!!!

My Mum asked me recently, what is "Gugl Ors. Recently, as they "ATF Öpfel" and "Mülsch" bought, would have meant anyone with Gugl Örs one could travel the world.


Bla ....

It is raining. We are located in Wuppertal. Stardate Bla001Gehirntot1993, our ship is not driven, we bob around in zero gravity, unimaginative, cautious, herumblahend. Still, I try to write a blog, while Jay with plugs in their ears listening to music and see Staring the wall. As of Tuesday, the weather is better. Yippee. Only because I have a slave to the system unfreiweilliger nothing about. Just in time for the weekend is predicted that is already back ... well? What? Just !..." It's raining. We are located in Wuppertal. .! Stardate Bla001Gehirntot1993 "

infected since it nasty intent, why said the newspaper, the German forest would grow grow so great, and if everywhere you breaks forth, the landscape looks like this:

Yes, here is being cut down like crazy is what we have seen again yesterday when we went for a stroll to Cologne Whole forests are being flattened And this brutalstmöglich But hey, we only see wrong.... Actually, it is indeed in the paper that grows the German forest. So much so that one must dramatically clear to avoid being overgrown by it. At the end of our one is typing a wholly-page Interim Available at the compiler, and suddenly a rattling fir into the office window. Without prior notice, with much shouting and bloodthirsty intentions. Thank you for having us from such horrors, and before the ugly view of the countryside preserved (by the way, what trees are actually useful? The so not even pay taxes and take away valuable space only). But you can great boards, fence posts and great great toilet paper with Vanillerkipferlduft make of it. And leaves, on which you can then tap Injunctions.

Thanks anyway for the land clearing. According to BILD this winter was also the second warmest winter in ages Gacker * * Funny. Then I go straight times in the slap, because I have imagined the amount of snow and frost so only. How nice that we are informed only as good and true. And that is only our best will * glances at the empty wallet *

Bye. I now indulging my brain death.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Top Les Denise Milani


Wednesday was that far. Thousands of physicists around the world had been working on it. A device in the charged particles (such as pastries, donuts, Hefezöpfe) accelerated by electric fields to high speeds. So pastries (the name comes from that it is full of unnecessary ingredients) may vary according to type of accelerator to reach nearly the speed of light, so that the particles it has a kinetic energy, which is a multiple of its own rest energy. Because it can cut the junk from the schonmal particles or powder contained in the mouse head in a back corner of the bakery. Send it by, for example, a pudding pretzel the accelerator, you should take cover. The inertia of the mass is in pudding about the size of a copy of Homo sapiens, whose purpose in life from football, Bock beer and schnitzel the size of a Martian's mother ship is. Ergo indeed come to the pretzel, not the pudding. Scientists are today for a formula that describes this process approximately correct.

The largest accelerators are concerned with the basics of the more complex particles, ergo poppy Amaranth pigtails and almond pudding Pampenstriezel to investigate the fact accelerated, high-energy Teigfluffeln the fundamental interactions of raisins and cream in relation to handgerührtem sugar syrup. Besides their importance for basic research into so-called "love handles" in the abdominal area particle accelerator have an increasingly important role in homeopathy (the speed of light accelerated Poppystriezel aura of death for each spasm, and will drive them to not even bad here) and for many industrial purposes (the yeast dough production in universal height and speed up the methane emissions in the human body).

is Still the whole is not without risk. Critics say that the collision could cause too many rough particles the dreaded black poppy seeds. In the fall of the entire earth would succumb to an abrupt Spaghettieis-fication.

in mind: Does not Miss particles. They do not belong in the accelerator, but ... well you know already where to stroke it * * Wampe