summer break
Wie euch sicher schon aufgefallen ist, We currently not bother you with our brilliant cross, murder moderately entertaining our geyser gushing effusions and rhetoric skills. One is just our hands full trying to enjoy the summer, because who knows if it reflects a summer. The signs are namely storm. In other words, the oracle Octopus blew himself up this morning in the air.
matter. Day before yesterday we felt like this:
beeeeeautiful o) Yes, life is hard, but we are härtaaaa. Or how about this morning on the radio blared: Love hurts, but that's you know. But it is so cool, did you fall permanently out of your socks. Yes.
Sodele, tomorrow we are at the amusement park and go all unelitääär there with a roller coaster. Or two or three or a dozen. The blog should still waiting for something, because we have better things to do.
Yeeeaahhhaaaa! Except that it's know.
soon, your
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