Himalaya (Kashmir second part) Srinagar After I would of course in the Himalayas. So I hired a guide.
starting point |
starting point |
starting point |
starting point |
difficult without it bissl been to find the path. Ned signs out there, and paths are also seen sometimes. I also lacked the necessary equipment.
and off we went |
went off at Sonmarg, a village on the National Highway from Srinagar to Leh (to the Tibetan border ). And dann gings los, einfach immer weiter und höher in die Berge hinein.
unser erstes Nachtlager |
Ich hab 5 Tage trekking gemacht und dabei auch den Taijer-Gletscher bestiegen, naja, angefangen. Es hatte ein paar Tage zuvor das erste mal in diesem Winter da so richtig geschneit. So war das Wandern nicht immer einfach: auf 20cm Schnee und darunter riesige Steine zwischen denen dann auch mal Löcher mit nem Meter tiefe waren. Auch die Temperaturen waren recht frisch: nachts immer Frost.
Our "kitchen" |
food, is a naja us erfrohren |
The camp was thus also a challenge, but the leaders were well prepared, had enough eating, taking cover. Of course, also a chef. It's amazing what so everything fits on two ponies on it.
I could be the ... |
more pictures you can obviously see, do you have me just wondering about've 800th ..
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