Friday, November 26, 2010

Rubbermaid Roughneck Replacement Lid

Himalaya (Kashmir second part)

Srinagar After I would of course in the Himalayas. So I hired a guide.
starting point

starting point

starting point

starting point

difficult without it bissl been to find the path. Ned signs out there, and paths are also seen sometimes. I also lacked the necessary equipment.

and off we went

went off at Sonmarg, a village on the National Highway from Srinagar to Leh (to the Tibetan border ). And dann gings los, einfach immer weiter und höher in die Berge hinein.
unser erstes Nachtlager

Ich hab 5 Tage trekking gemacht und dabei auch den Taijer-Gletscher bestiegen, naja, angefangen. Es hatte ein paar Tage zuvor das erste mal in diesem Winter da so richtig geschneit. So war das Wandern nicht immer einfach: auf 20cm Schnee und darunter riesige Steine zwischen denen dann auch mal Löcher mit nem Meter tiefe waren. Auch die Temperaturen waren recht frisch: nachts immer Frost.
Our "kitchen"

food, is a naja us erfrohren

The camp was thus also a challenge, but the leaders were well prepared, had enough eating, taking cover. Of course, also a chef. It's amazing what so everything fits on two ponies on it.

I could be the ...

more pictures you can obviously see, do you have me just wondering about've 800th ..


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