Thursday, September 30, 2010

Round Crib Rail Teether

Amritia & Pakistan Border

Mal wieder ein größerer Trip. Diesmal nach Amritia, ne Stadt 10km von der Pakistanischen Grenze entfernt.
Früh morgens ging es also mit nem günstigen Bus los. Mittags sind wir dann angekommen und gleich in Jallianwala Bagh ein Gedenkort, an dem über 1000 Menschen erschossen worden als sie gewaltfrei und unbewaffnet gegen die englischen Kolonialherren demonstriert haben und ein angeschlossenes Museum. Hier trafen wir ganz unverhofft 2 weitere German Interns from Chandigarh. What a small world it is sometimes.

shot wall on which people were the bullet holes are still partly visible

After a sumptuous lunch and a necessary stop was Pakistani border: Wagna Border. This should be a ceremony to obtain the boundary flags.
When we got there we surprised how many People were there. According to Indians around your 20,000, and the daily. We got the tip that there is a VIP entrance and a foreign passport, a VIP card. So we got some pretty close to the border gate.
And then it went off. On both sides of the border guards marched on and made a kind of parade-show, while waving the flags and Indians and Pakistanis Hindustan Hindustan or Pakistan Pakistan roared. The highlight was when the flags were then obtained simultaneously.
Indian side

left is ne other stands, so many people ...

border gate, trooper inside


Parade / Show

Parade / Show Pakistani side in the background

highlight: Get the flags

And farewell parade

Then it was back to Amritia, the Golden Temple. As it was already dark and the Temple lit up and overpowered us radiate the atmosphere in the temple complex. slept in the temple complex, the People, others meditating, still others walked around or stood in at the entrance of the temple. But everything was so peaceful and euphoric, just a very unique atmosphere!
night we ate in the temple dining hall, which was a waste, as well as accommodation for the night (of course you always wanted ne donation).
The next morning we went back to the Golden Temple, in daylight. It was still nice, but not nearly as impressive as in the night. The temple was then also a museum (located in the State of Amritia) about the history of the Sikhs and Punjab, but what was a very warlike past of this region.
Golden Temple center as a huge temple complex

A Sikh in traditional clothing and weapon

Golden Temple, left behind their own water tower temple, temple dining hall and sleeping accommodation

live music in the temple complex

image and weapon in the museum about the Sikhs and Punjab

Well we wanted the second, smaller golden temple to see the built the Hindus in here. It was far less beautiful, dirty, under construction ...
replica of the Hindus ...

Before we opened ourselves to the return journey by bus, we do not have just passed the time in nem Park and lunch eaten.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Creative Farewell Wording Invitation


Sun this weekend I'm still nu geschaft to Kasauli.
But the journey begins on the evening before. : After a dinner with some Arabs en we went to NEN Club. After we had a lot of fun to the expulsion, we moved on to the after party in a trainee House. There we quickly realized we all hungry, so we went in the morning to 5 in a 5 * hotel, where it is warm eat 24 hours. So it went feast. Eventually we were back then and went to sleep in the bright sometimes.
The next morning (12 or so) I was woken by a resident and asked if I would like right now ned to Kasauli to . Go done said.
25km distance = 65km road over
was 3.5 hours of travel
Unfortunately there that day very rainy. The ned is actually bad, since there is so good warm. With the rain comes in the mountains, however, in the fog, which gave us the main attraction of the location, the view of Chandigarh, halt once made totally impossible. So nen we looked for spots where we had more than 30m visible and visited the market. : After a lunch / dinner we made our way back and enjoyed 20 cm deep potholes in the bus to brake without racing. courts

Monday, September 20, 2010

Nissan Xterra Roof Rack-mounted Off-road Lights

Zoo in Chandigarh

After some nice now in the north of India visited this weekend, we wanted to Kasauli, very near Chandigarh. Unfortunately, the one of the Indians, which should drive has injured at football games the night before. This he could tell us but of course ned before, but only when he 2 hours late at the meeting point arrived ...
Since we wanted to still do something we agreed to go to the zoo.
Admission is exorbitant: 10 Rupees, but if it entrains a camera are the same ma 95 rupees (just under 20 cents and 1.55 €)
But as spectacular prices, so was the zoo. In the midday heat, most animals have withdrawn in their homes (of course at 35 ° C in the shade). There were tigers, lions, elephants, crocodiles, chickens, ...
crocodile has the moves for 5 minutes ned and we wondered whether there is a real, it was ...
very nice signs we have seen also

Since we had the afternoon at the zoo we thought about all the time what we should bring to the Viehcher Barbeque we went to eat dinner: meat! Ribs and mashed potatoes and veg.
time finally something real to eat.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Tortoises For Sale In Ontario

The truth ...

... there.Und is out because it is so we shall get back soon from what us.We just need finden.Coming soon ...

Monday, September 13, 2010

Color Couch Dark Wood Floors

Upper Dharamshala and McLeod Range

time and again it went to a weekend in the mountains.
We have 16 people put in 2 taxis and are then drove off in the middle of the night, but not good without us previously fitted with liquid food. Actually, yes
was being considered in the car to sleep, but that has not really worked out. And then what followed in India is likely to everyday life, en ... The next flat broke then also the screws of the front wheel of a car ...
broken Screw ...
This led to all that we indulged in a breakfast consisting of vodka and chips :-)

Thus prepared, well it was on to the forced break. Now put the driver on even schmaltzy 90's, which gave the atmosphere a further boost.
Buddhist Temple

are some point in the afternoon we then arrived in Dharamshala, but we went straight on up into the mountains: Here we were looking for a hotel, found a very cheap. Then the girls got ready, which took and we went in search for food remains high in the mountains. In a small "restaurant" we settled then. We enjoyed alcohol and other nice amenities, and 2.5 h after the order was finally finished our meal. Then we let the day at this beautiful place finish still worthy.
wait After 2.5 h, but it was worth it
Party time
A store in Upper Dharamshala

The next morning started pretty slow ...

But we then still managed to McLeod Range. In this place, the Tibetian government in exile of his seat, including the Dalai Lama, who was traveling this weekend, however. There is a large Buddhist temple and a museum of the Tibetans. The population here was anything but Indian: many Tibetans, strong individualism (for example, the Dreads are otherwise never seen in India) and hardly any police. Unfortunately, the day
was rained out something, but it must be clear here come during the monsoon season.

the jungle :-)
Also on the way home we had a lot of fun in the car and would not listen to blabber on and drink, which resulted in it we had to stop very often : To purchase beer and to get rid of it.
pastime in the forced break ...
coffee art
Our great "restaurant"
traveling in the Himalayas
McLeod Range

Friday, September 3, 2010

What Should A Male Model's Bmi Be

blueprint ... next blog shortly


