Sunday, March 6, 2011

Registering Cod Oxford

Mantrailing seminar with Yvonne Hüer at Dörthe Gerken 27607 Langen

Mantrailing seminar

More and more people discover the Mantrailing for herself and her dog.
Why is this so? What is the fascination "Mantrailing" from?

Mantrailing originally came from the rescue work. The dog learns
track to follow a very specific people and make it appear. Just
hunting dogs with passion can be inspired for it easily. Mantrailing
strengthens the trusting relationship between dog and man and helps to strengthen the
TEAM human-dog.

aim of the seminar weekend is to teach the basics of fascination

After a theoretical introduction of the first set trails. This
is individually consider each team to the training to be coordinated.

... and who knows, maybe you are then also with the virus
"Mantrailing" infected!

one thing is certain, they will get plenty of tips with another on the way to continue to work well alone.

Hüer Yvonne lives with her two Podencos in Dusseldorf. Since 2002, employs
it first with the debris search, before 2005, the fascination Mantrailing
for themselves and their Dogs discovered. Privately, she trailt in at the "Düsseldorf Trailer"
and is in regular consultation with other Mantrailern. Her passion is for
Mantrailing Yvonne Hüer since 2007 in seminars.

Yvonne Hüer
27607 Langen, exact location will be announced
135 euros with a dog, 65 € without a dog
10 sites with dog
10 seats without a dog
account at:
Dörthe Gerken under

Tel 0179-6636793

Friday, March 4, 2011

Free Music Piano Biffy Clyro


The camellia (Camellia japonica) is a plant in the family of Teestrauchgewächse. It is native to East Asia and closely related to the tea plant. Camellia species are popular ornamental plants in Europe that its fashionable peak in the 19th Century witnessed. It grows to be a very long-lived, evergreen shrub or small tree, reaching the natural habitat growth heights of 1.5 to 6 (rarely to 11) meters. Some Chinese camellias are estimated at more of 1000 years ... In Chinese and Japanese gardens was the camellia is a popular ornamental shrub . It played at court and tea ceremonies involved. Especially the einfachblütigen species are symbolic for friendship, elegance and harmony. In Japan, the camellia tsubaki is called, it has a more symbolic meaning. It loses its red petals individually, while still snow, reminiscent of spilled blood. Therefore, the flower is seen as a symbol of death and impermanence. Wiki
continued the introduction, we now come to our Lady of the Camellias, collected early March 2010.
D he first photos shortly after the purchase.
height from top of cup 60cm.

Camellias need a cold rest period and should not be too warm in the winter quarters. Frost-free, but below 12 ° C (optimum 0 ° C to 10 ° C), are usually formed no flower buds.

Step 1: After the purchase I was drawing from the branches and removed the top layer of earth to hang fresh humus.

Below: The only pictures from summer 2010 of this "China Rose". The plant has recovered, and their dense foliage. She did not the guy wire resented.

is now a good time for the next evolutionary step for bonsai. Keep going. Below: Recent photos 03/2011. Staring you - before / after - watch this here before ...
Guckst you unfortunately :-( underexposed

Guckst you here ... ... after. Has reduced to essentials, they rather lost in the large bowl ...
staring you yourself ..

Below:.. The view side of the newly styled Camellia For 2011, it is brought up onto the road and if they would like, get it for Christmas, a new shell.

Height: 60cm. China Bowl 37x28x11cm (LxWxH).
Quick, a look at the refined Nebari and then I put the camellia cold again. B is the next year, then a new outfit ...

... and other small steps in the life of Camille. Alaaf, Helau Wupptika and to all false noses.

Mixing Seafarer And Cities & Knights

Chakanyuka's Walpurgisnacht
witches walk with your dog for large and small witches

When: 30th April 2011, 21.00 - 23.00 clock

Start: at the trail parking lot shooting houses street 37 627 Merxhausen

Organizer: Chakanyuka clicker, Martina Schoppe

can participate :
dog owners with socially acceptable dogs

€ 8.00 per dog
12.00 € for 2 dogs

Chakanyuka do with the mega-event of Walpurgisnacht Easy Dogs and Lizzy's little dog school !

Our night witches dance through the dense and dark forest between Merxhausen, shooting house and Hellental. The dog collar light will shine with eerie flashing eyes to bet that watching us suspiciously from the undergrowth. Rotating crack and crunch it scary and if the wind is probably because of the rush? Or perhaps the roaring about witches on their broomsticks? And as you crawl up there on the arm? Spiders? Or only their own goose bumps? That's better than any horror movie!

following things could go be useful:
Plenty of treats and water for your dog
may tick protection
the weather and the terrain suitable clothing (hat, sturdy shoes)
luminous collar, vest, witch defense harness and leash for the dog

Registration required at:
Martin Schoppe
@ 0151 - 566 466 65
05532-99 42 63

Organizer: Martina

Info: vu

excerpts and logo courtesy of Easy Dogs .

Saturday, February 26, 2011

How To Set The Lock On Your Vip Suitcase?


The Bonsai Workshop Dusseldorf.
Click here for the photos .

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Restricted Blocked Unavailable Phone Calls


Mother Nature sends your time to herald the spring! Below: drive in our garden from the snowdrops, yippiiie ... soon begin the season Bonsai!

Let's go, here are a few cuttings from our garden. Below: Vaccinium vitis-idaea, blueberry blueberry culture. Collected 2008, aged about 12 to 15 years, shown here on the blog several times.

Below: Jasminum nudiflorum, winter jasmine grown on stone. Collected in 2006, aged about 7 - 9 years, also has often shown here.

Ilex crenata 'Mariesii'
Collected June 2010, aged about 7 - 9 years. Throughout the year, the plant bears its only 5mm long leaves, the light-dark olive green. The Ilex prefers a well drained, slightly moist soil.

Podocarpus macrophyllus
collected in December 2010, aged about 7 - years 9.
The Steineibe or 'jaw of the Buddhists' called. The evergreen trees are among the conifers and have yew-like leaves.

Coming from the subtropics, fits this cold house Plflanze not really get into the series of pictures of the local outdoor seedlings, because of Podocarpus after the Ice Saints in the garden.

Now we can practically see again how the nature of their habitats occupied anew.

KEEP COOL ... to the days.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Connect Audi Navigation

It smells like cake ... To blog

... in space!

coffee! Donuts! Science!
On behalf of the three pillars of the world's destiny, we are currently engaged in penetrating into the depths of space. To the moon, we have schonmal done, then we ran out of coffee. After procurement of the same and organization of a 10-pack Mini-Donuts, it would be gone, but the sky above Wuppertal wrapped himself in a ...

Well, the thing is done already. After Wuppertal Forks is the rainiest city in the world just over a variety of rain forest village. But the 2 starry nights, there to await a year, we will pull out the telescope and indulge in research.

Laaa laaa .... la la la laaaa ...
voicing Enterprise * Music *

Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise . Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before.

Laaa laaa .... la la la laaaa ...
austonierung Enterprise * Music *

Here schonmal a selection of exclusive space photos that we have achieved with our advanced equipment already:

had one course
Alien spectacular photos can also have simple (eg Akhen secretly photographed in the shower) but simpler is not always harmless.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Wpa2 Pokemon Heartgold

Sorry that you so long to wait for a new blog müsst.Wir take us every weekend to impose a und dann...Tilt! Derzeit ist einfach der Wurm drin.Erst haben wir voll die Motivation und dann kommt das große nichts. Manchmal fällt es einem einfach nicht leicht witzig, sarkastisch oder einfach nur albern zu sein. Mir selber fällt es relativ leicht mir meinen Frust oder was auch immer mich grad zwickt als persönlichen Blog zu verarbeiten ,aber wenn Mo und ich zusammen sind ist jede Sekunde so kostbar das man sie nicht mit Vollverstrahlung vor dem Compi verbringen will. Ich denke es liegt auch am Winter , da mummelt man sich ein und lässt alles seinen Weg gehen.

Gerade scheint die Sonne und laut Wetterbericht soll sie uns auch am WE hier in W´tal verwöhnen. Also gute Chancen das wir mal wieder den Fotoapparat grab and move to new outside mischief for this blog to collect here. Yes, that is exactly what it looks like .. a light at the end of the tunnel ... a Hofnungsschimmer on the horizon ... a prophecy could be true: There will be blog again soon! Unless preceded by the world unter.Die chances are good, but fatalism is our second first name;)


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Seasonique Brown Spotting


phrases to the "grass" used as a metaphor.
- watching the grass grow .... - eg for the boredom.
- bite the dust ... - for the dying.
- Up to grass grown over it is ... - until it is long forgotten.
- Since no grass grows more ... - everything is completely destroyed.

- The grass grow hear ... to recognize to believe or how the situation evolved.
Ok and I still have ...
Summary: ornamental grasses, Kusamono-XXL here click

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Where To Buy Black Licorice Soap


Summary: ornamental grasses, Kusamono-XXL Click here