Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Draping Fabric On Walls

paper as a rare commodity

A professional origami artist prefers real origami paper for his work. This paper is - as origami itself - from Japan. There are not many dealers in Germany, one can provide with Japanese origami paper. (I know of only two.) This poses problems.

First, there is the long lead time, which brings an order in Japan through the dealer with it. In the worst case, this amounted to half a year. For the hobbyist may not be a problem, but for the origami entertainer who is in the best case, one months before the event already booked binding. On the other
is possible even with the best preparation for that in an order that has already given up months ago and the shop is even delivered in time for an event, just missing the box which should contain the required paper.

Good paper is by no means always easy and quick to obtain. There is something special. Like origami.


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